Monday, August 17, 2020

Let's go to Nawalapitiya to see Kadiyanlena Falls or Katabula Falls

Kadiyanlena Falls is another beautiful and scenic waterfall located in the Nuwara Eliya District. This is about 10 km from Nawalapitiya town on the road towards Kotmale. This is also known as Catabula Falls.

Kadiyanlena Falls consists of three sections and the Nawalapitiya - Kotmale road lies in the middle of it. The three-arched bridge over the fall’s dates back to British times. Only two sections of the waterfall are visible on this bridge. The third section is just below the bridge. To fully view the falls, you must walk down the footpath a short distance from the bridge.

The name of the village where this waterfall is located is also Kadiyanlena. Hence the name of the waterfall. It is also known as Catabula Falls because of the name of the nearby tea estate. It is fed by the Kadiyanlena Oya which is formed from water catchment areas in Lidula and Kotagala areas. This stream joins the Hatton Oya near Nawalapitiya.

The view of the waterfall during the rainy season is breathtaking and if you go here during that time, you too can experience that charm. The Kadiyanlena Falls is about 24 meters high and has several bathing spots. But do not swim in the pool where the third part of the waterfall crashes. There are also two small hydro power plants in the vicinity.

If you are looking for a tourist attraction around Nuwara Eliya, come and visit this waterfall. Also, make sure that the area around the falls is never littered with polythene, plastic and debris.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Let's visit Wattegama beautiful secret waterfall

Today we bring you this article about another beautiful and unknown waterfall located in the Dumbara Range. This beautiful waterfall is a secret waterfall located one and a half kilometers away from Wattegama on the Panvila road. If you are going to this waterfall from Kandy you should visit Wattegama first. Then on the way to Panvila you can see this waterfall located by the road.

Secret Falls has two parts, the first part and the second part. The first section is above the road and the second is below the road. This beautiful small waterfall is about 15 meters high and is formed by the Ravan Oya which flows from the Hunnasgiriya mountain range and flows into the Mahaweli river. Hunnasgiriya is a beautiful mountain range at an elevation of 1437 m. This waterfall belongs to Devalegammedda village in Pathadumbara Divisional Secretariat Division in Kandy District.

Although the waterfall is small, the water is very beautiful during peak hours. There is a very deep pool near this waterfall. So this is not suitable for bathing at all. Tourists visiting this place should also avoid choosing this secret waterfall for bathing. This is because several people have died while bathing here. Take photos and just look at its beauty.

The second part is down the road and its beauty is worth seeing from the road. Because it is difficult to go down. A history story has also been created around this waterfall. Legend has it that King Sri Wickrama Rajasinghe was hiding in the mountains above this waterfall.

If you are visiting the Panvila area around Kandy, do not forget to visit this beautiful waterfall. As we tell you every day, do not ruin this beautiful place with polythene, plastic and rubbish.

Other waterfalls located near this waterfall

1) Hulu River Falls (Hulugaga Town)

2) Thaliya Fallen Falls (Alakolaya Estate)

3) Lebanon Estate Waterfall (Bambarella Gomera Lebanon Estate)

4) Jodu Ella (Bambarella Gomaraya)

5) Sari Falls (Bambarella)



Let's go to Nawalapitiya to see Kadiyanlena Falls or Katabula Falls

Kadiyanlena Falls is another beautiful and scenic waterfall located in the Nuwara Eliya District. This is about 10 km from Nawalapitiya town...