18-bend is located in Kandy, Srilanka. When you start the journey from Kandy, you have to travel about 60km to reach the beginning of the 18-bend. This is the one and only, and the deadliest route in Srilanka.
As we take the history of the 18-bend, there were 18 bends located. But due to the improvement of the road (reasphalted and widened) and they removed the last bend. But still our people use to call it as Daha ata wanguwa (the 18-bend Road) even though it has 17 bends.
As I informed it as
the deadliest bend, its more inconvenient when you take the beauty of the
sceneries, which brings you joy and happiness. At the top of the mountain,
which is the beginning of the 18-bend you can observe actually about two
provinces, Uwa province and the Eastern province. With the beauty sceneries we
can feel the smell of the nature which is brought by wind blowing toward you.
As you start the journey from top to bottom, you can see tanks which is made by
our ancient kings, such as Sorabora tank, Ulhitiya tank and Rathkinda Reservoir
with the paddy fields which our farmers grow crops and distribute whole over
the country.
By the government they have built a view
point, where travelers can rest and relax by enjoying the view. I am pretty
sure as you get down from your vehicle at this view point, you won’t feel
getting back into to your vehicle, as you will feel like you stepped into the
In the British Era the journey of
the 18-bend was the deadliest and complex journey, because those days there
were no proper roads.
From 1950 to 2000 we couldn’t travel this bend without reversing our vehicle. So now you can imagine how the width of the road would have been. There was no any protection from the sides of the road. If two vehicles met together they struggle for about one hour to pass each other, at the same time there were many occasions which the vehicle rolled out from top to bottom.
The most stunning situation is that the people who lives close by thinks that there are spirits trapped, some of them have seen and experienced paranormal activities. So the people does not travel alone at night. If you want to experience this kind of a situation try going out alone in this road, which I would never do.
If you take
the height of 18-bend it’s about 500 meters, imagine how the bends are located,
imagine how they would have travel long ago?
This 18-bend is located in a tropical area, I totally forgot to mention that if you are travelling don’t forget to take fruits with you, because there are monkeys in the road and you can feed them when you are travelling.
At last I would like to invite you all to enjoy the beauty of this journey. Hope you all will enjoy the 18-bend. Thank You